New Quality Productive Forces: Essence, Structural Framework, and Policy Implications

May 11, 2024

About the author:

Tian Kun, Fellow of Taihe Institute

At a recent gathering of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphatically noted that cultivating new quality productive forces is essential for advancing high-quality development.1 This remark quickly resonated across Chinese society. Almost immediately, "new quality productive forces" emerged as a buzzword in regional development plans for 2024, quickly being hailed as the next "growth pole" for China's future.

This strategic emphasis is not merely rhetorical. Xi's mention of new quality productive forces underscores a deliberate shift aimed at harnessing the capabilities of advanced productive forces to drive the nation's modernization efforts. This directive positions new quality productive forces as a pivotal mechanism for transitioning China's growth model from rapid development to more sustainable, high-quality outcomes, a cornerstone in China's roadmap toward a modernized economy tailored to its unique situation.

Understanding the Essence of New Quality Productive Forces

New quality productive forces are not merely a buzzword but a transformative force, catalyzed by groundbreaking technological breakthroughs, innovative deployment of production factors, and deep industrial transformation and innovation. This novel form of productivity enhances total factor productivity through the optimal combination of labor forces, means of labor, and subjects of labor—each evolving to meet the intensified demands of the modern economy.

The demands placed on labor forces, methods of labor, and subjects of labor are increasing. These three components of productive forces identified by Karl Marx remain relevant, but their roles are expanding. First, the development of human capital is crucial. Without a workforce attuned to the nuances of modern technological and industrial shifts, the potential for new quality productive forces remain untapped. Furthermore, the quality of tools employed in labor has become a crucial determinant of productivity. Emergent from the latest technological upheavals are tools that are more efficient, safer, smarter, and more environmentally friendly, thereby liberating workers from traditional constraints and elevating the potential complexity and output of labor. Third, exploring cutting-edge materials and processes expands the scope of subjects of labor, pushing the boundaries of what can be produced and how it can be done. This development is critical to defining new industrial frontiers and creating innovative production landscapes.

Crucially, the leap to new quality productive forces hinges on the efficient orchestration of the components of productive forces. On the one hand, this goes beyond mere utilization. It drives production management toward platform-based, networked, and industrial ecological transformation. On the other hand, reforming resource allocation and dismantling institutional barriers to the free flow of capital, whether human, physical, or intellectual, encourage the market to direct resources toward more efficient and profitable avenues.

In essence, new quality productive forces are about enhancing the interaction between innovation and industry, steering economic activities toward greater heights of efficiency and integration in an era defined by digital transformation.

Exploring the Structural Framework of New Quality Productive Forces

Xi recently emphasized that in the current era, digital technologies and the digital economy are at the forefront of the world's technological revolution and industrial transformation, identifying them as critical arenas in the latest round of global competition.2 At its core, digital technology leverages the innovative integration of big data, algorithms, and computing power to construct more efficient manufacturing systems. This integration is pivotal for upgrading industrial frameworks, transitioning energy infrastructures, optimizing energy utilization, and curtailing carbon emissions.

Xi has noted that data, as a novel production factor, exerts considerable influence over the transformation of traditional production modes.3 Therefore, effective data integration is recognized as a crucial force in fostering new quality productive forces.

The Chinese government has long prioritized the construction of digital platforms, encouraging enterprises to cooperate and implement data integration. This effort aims to promote the sharing and integration of information resources across sectors. China has also called for the establishment of multi-functional platform organizations to bolster inter-industry and inter-platform cooperation, thereby enhancing the efficient use of economic resources and propelling industrial upgrades and innovation.

In response to the government's call, many sectors have actively promoted data integration and platform construction. For instance, in healthcare, institutions have implemented electronic medical records systems and established shared medical resource platforms that facilitate the data integration of patient records while enhancing service levels. In manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT) has allowed real-time monitoring and optimization of production processes. In the consumer services sector, various shopping and business platforms convenient for publics have emerged.

China's efforts to build these platforms have endowed it with promising data-driven capabilities. This vast resource facilitates improvements in production and service delivery.

Notably, the proliferation of internet platforms epitomizes this trend. Chinese tech giants have forged diversified ecosystem platforms that integrate a wide array of services, enabling cross-sectoral data synthesis. This development has spurred rapid growth in the digital economy and provided expansive platforms for innovation and entrepreneurship. For example, e-commerce giants leverage big data to tailor recommendations, enhance consumer experiences, and drive retail evolution. Platforms like Alibaba Cloud and Huawei Cloud are transforming manufacturing by combining 5G technologies with traditional processes, resulting in smarter, more efficient production systems.

The strategic importance of these developments cannot be overstated, as they underscore a shift towards a more integrated and innovative economic model that boosts efficiency across the board and anchors China's position in the digital economy globally. The central government has crafted policies that support data integration and platform construction, cementing these as critical components of China's strategy to cultivate new quality productive forces and usher in an era of high-quality economic growth.

Policy Implications and Strategic Measures

As China forges ahead with its new quality productive forces, it is essential to understand the policy implications and strategic measures required to sustain and amplify these developments. The transformative power of new quality productive forces relies on targeted governmental actions, robust policy frameworks, and a conducive ecosystem that fosters innovation and integration across all sectors of the economy.

Enhancing Education and Talent Development

Central to the development of new quality productive forces is the cultivation of a highly skilled workforce. The Chinese government has placed a high priority on education reform and talent development by aligning educational outcomes with the demands of a digitized, innovative economy. Key initiatives aim at strengthening interdisciplinary education, integrating technical skills with traditional learning, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Moreover, it is crucial to have targeted programs that nurture top-tier innovative talents and practical skillsets to ensure that the workforce remains competitive and adaptable to new technologies and industrial shifts.

Infrastructure and Institutional Reforms

For new quality productive forces to thrive, substantial investment in infrastructure is crucial. This includes both physical infrastructure, such as next-generation manufacturing facilities, and digital infrastructure like widespread 5G networks and robust data centers. Institutional reforms aimed at streamlining regulations, enhancing intellectual property protections, and facilitating market entry for startups and innovative enterprises are equally important. These measures will ensure that the foundational elements of a high-quality productive force, such as data and technology, are optimally utilized and protected.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Government plays a crucial role in creating an environment that encourages innovation, which involves not only providing financial support through grants and incentives but also promoting a regulatory framework that allows for experimentation and tolerates a certain level of risk. Such an environment should also include robust mechanisms for collaboration between academia, industry, and government entities to facilitate the translation of research into market-ready solutions and services.

Economic and Regional Integration

To maximize the benefits of new quality productive forces, China is focused on enhancing economic integration both domestically and globally. Domestically, efforts are being made to break down regional barriers and promote a unified national market, ensuring that resources, including capital and talent, are allocated where they are most needed. Internationally, China continues to expand its global partnerships and participate in international standards-setting bodies, which help integrate its economic and technological advancements with global markets and systems.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility

As China advances its new quality productive forces, sustainability remains a core consideration. The integration of green technologies and sustainable practices into production processes is encouraged to reduce environmental impact and promote long-term ecological balance. Moreover, as digital transformations reshape industries, policies addressing potential social impacts, such as job displacement and privacy concerns, are vital. The government is tasked with implementing social programs that assist in retraining workers and ensure the broad sharing of benefits from technological advancements across society.

In conclusion, as China navigates a transition to the realm of new quality productive forces, a comprehensive approach involving strategic policy initiatives, educational reforms, and international cooperation will be key. These efforts will not only propel China's economic transformation, but also set a benchmark for how nations can harness the potential of technology and innovation in pursuit of sustainable and inclusive growth.



1. "Xi Stresses Development of New Productive Forces, High-Quality Development," Xinhua, February 2, 2024,

2. Xi Jinping, "Building Up the Strength, Quality, and Size of China's Digital Economy," Qiushi Journal, no. 2, 2022 (January 2022),

3. Xi, "China's Digital Economy."



Please note: The above contents only represent the views of the author, and do not necessarily represent the views or positions of Taihe Institute.


This article is from the April issue of TI Observer (TIO), which focuses on the concept of "new quality productive forces" and tries to interpret its theoretical grounds and strategic importanceIf you are interested in knowing more about the April issue, please click here:




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